Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Despondent - disheartened
Circumspect - cautious
Salubrious - healthy
Crooning - singing softly
Penury - hardship, poverty
Meritorious - admirable
Peerage - aristocracy
Fortuitous - accidental
Averse - indifferent
Prudent - wise
Ameliorate - boost
voluble - talkative
reticent - reserved
winsome - engaging
vacillating - uncertain
decrepit - ruined
candid - frank
mollify - make peace with
continually - with intervals and continuously - without interruption
gratuity - reward
Laudatory - admiring
layman - a person who is not a member of the clergy
cyanotic - blueness or lividness of the skin
coda - end of musical composition
heterotrophs - organisms that can't synthesize its own food
dissonance - lack of agreement or harmony between people
ardor - great enthusiasm
perversity - turned away from what is right or good
pretense - make something that is not the case appear true
reticence - silent
innuendo - allusive or oblique remark or hint
collusion - means secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy in order to deceive others
malignity - tends to be evil
solecism - a grammatical mistake in speech or writing
schism - means split or division between strongly opposed sections or parties
primordial - existing from the beginning of time

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